Elderly people's thermoregulation system can be disrupted in hot weather, says "Senjoro" social worker Vita Astrauskienė. She also names which seniors currently need to avoid heat:
"Seniors with chronic conditions and taking sedatives and medications that stimulate urination or lower high blood pressure are at greatest risk. All of them promote the risk of dehydration, which makes it much more difficult for a sweaty body to cool down due to a disturbed thermoregulation system," - says V. Astrauskienė.
A social worker adds that elderly people with Alzheimer's disease or dementia are also at high risk. If you have such relatives, she advises you to make sure they don't forget to drink water.
Drink plenty of fluids. It is best for a senior to drink enough water during the heat. You should just stay away from drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine. If a senior needs to limit fluid intake due to illness, it is advisable to talk to a doctor - he will help find a solution to prevent dehydration.
Less movement. Sport is health, but not for the elderly in the heat. On such days, it is advised to avoid exercising and limit active physical activities, such as gardening or cleaning the house.
Close the curtains. If the senior's home does not have a fan or air conditioner, ensure coolness in the rooms in other ways. Limit the use of the oven and keep windows closed and curtains drawn during the hottest part of the day. Leave the windows open only at night.
Cold compresses. It is advisable to prepare a bowl of cold water and soak a cloth or a small towel in it. A senior can keep it around their neck regularly to keep cool. Another option is to have a bowl of cold, but not ice water, nearby to cool your feet.
"Breathable" fabrics. On extremely hot days, older people are advised to wear non-synthetic, but light and light clothing. It is best to choose such "breathable" fabrics as cotton or linen. It helps the body adapt to changing temperatures.
Look for cooler places. If it is still hot at home, it is recommended for seniors to spend time in an air-conditioned place, such as a library, a senior center, or the homes of friends and relatives.
Easy food. During hot weather, it is recommended to replace hot dishes with cold, lighter ones. Health will be rewarded if the senior eats more salads, fresh vegetables and fruits instead of fried and stewed food.