Frequently asked questions
1. Am I entitled to these services?
The home help service is available to all seniors, there are no health restrictions. Services are not available for people who are fully independent and capable and only need housekeeping services. Day care services are available for people with special needs.
2. How do I book the service?
Paslaugų prašymą reikia pateikti savo gyvenamosios vietos seniūnijai, tai galite padaryti ir užpildydami prašymo formą mūsų internetiniame puslapyje, skiltyje "PASLAUGOS".
3. What services can I get?
For a description of the services available to the elderly, click here. The social worker will allocate specific services according to the person's needs, after assessing their independent capability and the adaptability of their living environment.
4. When will the services be provided?
The coordinator sets the timetable for the provision of services according to the needs of the person and communicates it to the recipient.
5. Can I choose my own social worker assistant?
Paslaugas teiksiantį individualios priežiūros darbuotoją paskiria koordinatorius atsižvelgdamas į senjoro būdą, pomėgius, gyvenamąją vietą. Tačiau pastebėjus, kad draugystė tarp senjoro ir individualios priežiūros darbuotojo neužsimezga, paskiriame kitą darbuotoją.
6. I am going to a sanatorium, will I lose services?
Išvykus į sanatoriją ar reabilitaciją, ilgesniam laikui atsigulus į ligoninę, išvykus atostogauti ar pan. galima sustabdyti paslaugų teikimą ne ilgesniam nei 120 dienų laikotarpiui per metus. Norint sustabdyti paslaugas reikia parašyti prašymą nurodant paslaugų stabdymo laikotarpį ir priežastį.
7. How much does the Senjoro service cost?
Senjoro is a social partner of the municipalities and therefore part of the cost of the services is reimbursed to the clients from the municipal budget. The share paid by the individual depends proportionally on his/her income. You can see the specific price by selecting the municipality you are interested in from the menu.
Frequently asked questions
1. Am I entitled to these services?
The home help service is available to all seniors, there are no health restrictions. Services are not available for people who are fully independent and capable and only need housekeeping services. Day care services are available for people with special needs.
2. How do I book the service?
Paslaugų prašymą reikia pateikti savo gyvenamosios vietos seniūnijai, tai galite padaryti ir užpildydami prašymo formą mūsų internetiniame puslapyje, skiltyje "PASLAUGOS".
3. What services can I get?
For a description of the services available to the elderly, click here. The social worker will allocate specific services according to the person's needs, after assessing their independent capability and the adaptability of their living environment.
4. When will the services be provided?
The coordinator sets the timetable for the provision of services according to the needs of the person and communicates it to the recipient.
5. Can I choose my own social worker assistant?
Paslaugas teiksiantį individualios priežiūros darbuotoją paskiria koordinatorius atsižvelgdamas į senjoro būdą, pomėgius, gyvenamąją vietą. Tačiau pastebėjus, kad draugystė tarp senjoro ir individualios priežiūros darbuotojo neužsimezga, paskiriame kitą darbuotoją.
6. I am going to a sanatorium, will I lose services?
Išvykus į sanatoriją ar reabilitaciją, ilgesniam laikui atsigulus į ligoninę, išvykus atostogauti ar pan. galima sustabdyti paslaugų teikimą ne ilgesniam nei 120 dienų laikotarpiui per metus. Norint sustabdyti paslaugas reikia parašyti prašymą nurodant paslaugų stabdymo laikotarpį ir priežastį.
7. How much does the Senjoro service cost?
Senjoro is a social partner of the municipalities and therefore part of the cost of the services is reimbursed to the clients from the municipal budget. The share paid by the individual depends proportionally on his/her income. You can see the specific price by selecting the municipality you are interested in from the menu.