
Services in Vilnius

How is the cost of services calculated?

The cost of services varies from person to person, depending on their financial means (income). The cost of services is assessed by the Vilnius City Municipality Administration.

Help at home

Day Care

living alone

living with a family


personal income is less than €258 per month.


average income per person is less than €258 per month.

from 51,60/month

from €51,60 to €77,40 per month with a personal monthly income of €258,00 – 387,00.

from 116,10/month

from €116,10 to €154,80 per month with an average monthly income per person of €387,00 – 516,00

from 77,40/month

from €77,40 Eur to €103,20 per month with a personal monthly income of €387,00 – 516,00

from 154,80/month

from 154,80 Eur to €193,50 per month with an average monthly income per person of €516,00 – 645,00

from 103,20/month

from 103,20 Eur to €129,20 per month with a personal monthly income of €516,00 – 645,00

from 193,50/month

with an average monthly income per person is higher than €645 per month

from 129,20/month

personal income is higher than €645 per month


SenjoroGO app

SenjoroGo app

Our social worker assistants use the SenjoroGO app, which has the following features

- A timer that keeps track of how much time assistants spend visiting and what they have done.
- GPS - the timer is active only when the social worker is present at the senior's home.
- The app can generate a report on the services provided. Reports can be made available to relatives.